Thursday, February 24, 2011

Giving or Taking?

When you are doing favors for people, are you thinking, "If I do this then they should do something for me in the future"? You may not think about it when you are doing the favor, unless it was more of a if I do this then can you do that for me. So, when the time comes and you need a favor from someone, the first thing you do even if you don't think about it too much is try to find a time when you did something for them that way you make them feel obligated to do something for you. In my past experience I feel that no matter what I do getting someone to do something for me if like pulling teeth. For example:

I worked for 3.5 years at a place and I had covered almost every single person in that business for one or more shifts that way they wouldn't get fired, yet whenever I would need to find someone to cover a shift for me, I would have to ask everyone in the place, and usually not get anyone to cover for me. I only missed 2 days out of 3.5 years and that still didn't matter to the bosses when they went to get rid of me. Now after I am no longer working there, they can see how much I really did for the company and that they can't find someone to even cover the shifts that I used to work. This just goes to show that I was a great worker and that if I were to have been able to find someone to cover the shifts that I had missed, both were medical related, then they wouldn't have to hire 15 people, all which seem to have quit within weeks.


In the book the chick-whirr which is basically what the whole book is talking about. So this theory says that basically there is something in us that clicks when an action is done. Such as saying, "I feel fine" after someone asks how you are doing not matter how you feel. Or how about saying, "Thank You" after being given a gift even if you don't like it. This click-whirr that the book talks about is also something that I feel we were brought up to do, sometimes called manners. We learn these manners over the years and that is how the click-whirr has becomes stuck in our habits. So to say we all have a clik-whirr in us is true, but how strong we listen to that click is something that has been in our brains because of our up bringing.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What type of negotiation doe you use most

There are many ways that people go into negotiations that we think we know best what to use. I like to think that everyone thinks their way is the best way but if we all thought that way all the time then we wouldn't get anywhere. This means that we are always having to change something in order to make people happy. This doesn't mean that we are all people persons but we know that there are things that we have to do to get what we want. This to me isn't saying that I think we are all greedy but that we are understanding enough to know we have to change things to help better not only us but maybe the company too. So in each situation do you think you are using the same skills and tactics that you will use when trying to make people happy or just make things work out for at least the moment. So what kind of negotiation tactics do you use?


For the beginning of the week we did an exercise where we had to act like the manager or the employee. I felt that there are times when these situations might occur but where I have worked the managers never thought they owe you anything. I liked my group, but I think it was easier for me than others because my guys were just easy to agree with. I was able to agree with a little to no improvement for the employee. Yet when I was the employee I got what I asked for and more than I was suppose to go for. They saw what an important person I was to the company so they didn't want to let me go. Yet in real life the company I worked for didn't know how much of a help and important person until I was gone. So why is it they haven't asked me back? Am I not good enough, they are still needing me because I see how they are still needing help to make things flow.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lesson in learning

In high school we had a class quote, my class was one by Gandhi. It was one about being the change you want to see in the world. This is a qoute that I think a leader should know and stand by because if a leader isn't looking to make a statement about what they are trying to do then is that person really a leader or are they a follower? So to say you want to change something for the better but nit acting in the same matter, are you really wanting to see that change or just trying to impress people by your words?

New week

So according to the paper on the foreman and the other papers telling us who we are as leaders does this mean that leaders are those who are only able to do everything in our power to try to make things work? Or are we people who need to have certain traits in us in order to be leaders and there is no other way of being a leader. To say that a leader has to have the traits and then they can become a leader if taught isn't something I agree with. I think you can become a leader if the situation needs a leader and you feel that you are capable of handling those responsibilities.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Level 5 Leadership

What is level 5 Leadership according to me? Level 5, is that the middle the end or just the beginning of the levels? Why the number 5 why not 10 or 100 or another number? Level 5 according to the text was suppose to be the highest level and to me that could mean a lot of things. Since it is the highest then the leaders that they were looking at should be amazing, they shouldn't need to go to others for help, but everyone needs help every now and then.So to be a Level 5 leader does that mean you have to know everything and be perfect at anything that you do? Why is it that we judge people on numbers and scales when supposedly we can't tell someone what a leader is but who leaders are. So can you become a Level 5 leader or are you just a Level 4.95 leader?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Who are you? Jamie or Matt?

When reading the article, could you picture yourself as the outgoing type of person or the quite leader who thinks they know everything. To me, I feel that I might have a little of both of them in me. I like to go have fun when trying new things out but I also like to make sure that things are the way they were planned out to be. There are times where I need others to help me but there are other times that I know I am right and would rather not listen to what others are saying. I want to say that I am a little of both, but does that mean we all have a little of everything in us and we just need to dig a little deeper to make sure that we can show others and get over the fear of embarrassment. So, who do you feel you are more like?